Privacy Policy

The practice has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our strong commitment to privacy.


Most of all, we value your privacy.

We do not sell, rent, loan, or give your email address or any other contact information that you provide us with to any other company and we will never do so.

Your contact information is used to respond to direct queries and occasionally to send appropriate email alerts relating to our services, often including preferential rates and special offers. However, all recipients of these alerts may opt-out of receiving future alerts when so desired, and are given the opportunity at the bottom of each email to opt-out at any time.

We use Google Analytics, Google AdWords Conversion tracker, and other Google services that place cookies on a browser across the website. We also use 3rd party companies such as Facebook and Adroll. These cookies help us increase the website’s effectiveness for our visitors. These cookies are set and read by Google. To opt out of Google tracking, please visit

We use AdWords remarketing to market our sites across the web. We place a cookie on a browser, and then a 3rd party (Google) or another company, reads these cookies and may serve an ad on a 3rd party site. You may opt out of this ad serving on Google’s opt out page. If you are concerned about 3rd party cookies served by networks, you should also visit


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We are pleased to help you in any way we can. Contact us if you have any questions or to schedule an appointment.

Lake Center Family, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry

Please call us at +1 (571) 609-3433 if you have any problems with the form.

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Call us now at: +1 (571) 609-3433 or fill out the form below.

Please call us at +1 (571) 609-3433 if you have any problems with the form.